Fruit and veg early in life may counter heart disease — study

Eating lots of fruit and vegetables as a young adult may lower the risk of heart disease in middle age, a recent study by the American Heart Association (AAH) has found.

The study, published in the AAH journal Circulation, found that people between 18 and 30 who ate high volumes of fruits and vegetables were 25% less likely to have plaque in their arteries 20 years later. It found people were at their healthiest when consuming between seven and nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

In SA, 210 people die from heart disease every day — the country’s 11th biggest killer.

SA Nutritional Consultant, Vanessa Ascencao recommends a diet comprising whole foods and fresh fruits and supplementing with potent superfood and multi-nutrient Marcus Rohrer Spirulina for immunity, energy and overall good health. Spirulina is clinically proven to help balance blood sugar levels, promote heart health and assists in reducing inflammation and hunger.

Read two studies about spirulina’s proven benefits for health conditions linked to heart health here and here.

In addition, Ascencao suggests the following:

Manage stress: stress may increase adrenaline which may overwork the heart.
Get active: daily exercise helps keep heart disease and stress at bay.
Eat a healthy mix of good quality proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and fibre. Increase intake of nutrient-rich dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli and asparagus which are packed with fibre and vitamins A and C.
Increase omega-3 fatty acids which are naturally anti-inflammatory. They include fatty fish (salmon & tuna), avocados and nuts.
Limit or exclude fried foods and meat which may raise bad cholesterol and contribute to clogged arteries.
Stop smoking. Cut down on salt and alcohol and drink more water.
Sleep more as this helps lower the heart rate and blood pressure.
Learn to identify the warning signs of a heart attack and stroke.


Marcus Rohrer Spirulina is available at most Clicks, Dis-Chem and major pharmacies.

Visit the Marcus Rohrer Spirulina website: or find Marcus Rohrer Spirulina on Facebook.


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